Saturday, May 22, 2010

Imagine a world without work!

Imagine a world where we have invented robots who can do everything (like the movie Will Smith in "I, Robot" ). Wouldn't that means we do not need to work? How would you live in a world like that?

Robots will be doing everything for us. From the basic necessities such as food and shelters, we have robots ploughing the fields and constructing the buildings. When you have food for everyday and a shelter to sleep in, you basically can live your life without money.

Would the concept of money be redundant? Would work be redundant? What would happen to humanity? Would we cease to work? Slack at home the whole day, waiting for food to feed us and delegating every work to robots?

I highly doubt so. Currently, working is a necessity for most of the people in the world as we need to get paid to feed ourselves. With the robots, work is no longer a necessity but a choice. Most people would probably think, "Wow, I don't have to work anymore! Let's go have fun everyday!". However, after some time, one will definitely question the meaning of life - the meaning of one's existence.

This will lead to a point where one will search for the meaning of one's existence and eventually, ended in working for it. However, at this point, the work is no longer a job. It's a calling.

Linking the imaginative conclusion back to current life, can't we make our current job from a necessity to a calling? what's the difference? there may not be any difference in the appearance of the job or what we do in the job, but the motivation, the intent, the reason behind it is totally different.

You see, there is no difference in doing the job/work that we are doing now. Be it a necessity or choice, we will all engage our time in doing things that we want to pursue. Live your life the way you want to live.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Art of Non-Resistance

When we are punched (as in a real fight), we instinctively resist the punch by tensing our muscles, forcing our balance, and resisting the incoming force as much as possible. We may block it hard it with our hands, using more or the same amount of strength as the incoming force, resulting in a hard-vs-hard situation which damages ourselves too.

In fighting system such as Wing Tsun, Tai Chi, etc, the teaching rarely encourages hard-vs-hard blocks or reaction. Instead, it encourage deflection of the incoming forces or flow with the incoming forces and use it to your advantage. This minimizes tremendous self-damages as compared to hard blocks.

In life, we faced several hardships. Difficult or bad situations are forced onto us like an incoming punch to our body. Some people, like a warrior, face it strongly and work very hard to overcome which results in stress and lack of balance to life. Some people, like a defeated dog, take the punches and become a victim to the situation.

It may be hard to see that a bad situation can do any good to us. There is no way to justify honestly how much we enjoy burning midnight oil to complete a project or to study for a paper. However, just as an incoming punch is definitely harmful to our body if we receive it head-on, a bad situation is definitely stressful to our body if we just receive it head-on.

A simple example of how we commonly receive a bad situation head-on:
"Oh, my bank bill again... Oh gosh I gotta pay so much every month... I am working for the bank!"

It is clear that in our life, forces of all kinds of situation hurl towards us in various degrees of power. We may not be able to stop bank bills from coming but we are definitely able to stop receiving it with negative reaction or head-on. We can learn to divert such forces.

Back to our bank bill problem:
"Oh, it's my bank bill... well I am glad that I have enough in my account to pay it off *smiles*"
Or if the bank bill is for your house loan:
"Oh, it's the repayment bill for my OWN home"
Or a spiritual approach:
"Oh, my bank bill... This is my lesson to learn about attracting better things in life!"

This is NOT different from appreciation or positive thinking. They are the same. It's all about how to handle incoming forces in our daily life with a more constructive response.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Seek Connection to Yourself, Life, Family, Friends and Everything Else

Everything is connected in life. We are all inter-linked in more ways than we know. There is a bond between every matter.

This bond, this link, this connection is never broken. It is just mostly ignored.
The connections that mainly preoccupy our minds such as work, latest arguments with family or friends, upcoming happening events, etc, are the ones that we consciously concern ourselves with.
There are many connections that are around us which we are only subconsciously concerned.

These connections are your little voice, the moment you are living in (aka now), your dreams in life, the trees and scenery around us, the greatness of your family (mum and dad, sisters and brothers), the closeness of your friends and buddies, and many more. We often failed to take notice of them as we are mainly concerned with "What's next?" or "Why did that happen to me?" or other things.

Of all the connections, perhaps the most important one is our connection to God and the meaning of our existence - Our Mission in Life. This connection is the what we are and where we are going.

Remember the really important connections and seek to connect yourself consciously to it. A note here is to connect positively, not negatively. Connect yourself to your mission and to the things that really matters in your life.

Connect. Link. Bond.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Being Steadfast in Life

Hold yourself steadfast in life, unaffected by external events and you will enjoy every moment of your life.
I am sure we all have goals and wishes. We all have things that we want to achieve even though not all of us will be actively pursuing them. For those of us who do strive to pursue them, sometimes things get us down and we easily lose the motivation or drive to continue our pursue.

I have been working on building a web development company for close to 3 years and building a successful business for more than 6 years. I would say that the current result is not to my satisfaction. Everyday, I work towards my goal of a successful business but for the past few months, it has not been enjoyable and rewarding.

In the past, whenever I have a goal, I wake up everyday with a strong urge to achieve it. I will drill myself everyday until the day that my goal is achieved. Thereafter, I will walk away from it and find another challenge.

I seems to lost this feeling for a while. Perhaps it is the length of the pursue that dilutes the passion in it. Perhaps it is the height of this goal that requires more of me. Perhaps...

This morning, I am not feeling motivated and yet I have to work. My goal seems to become a compulsory situation that I am in. My life has become such that I MUST complete this goal before I can ever move on. Such "trapped" situation is certainly not very encouraging for me.

This posting is not meant to be a lamenting post. Sometimes the choices that we make in life drive us to the path we are taking now. It is not random nor by chance. My choices in life has so far making me a better and stronger person and hence comes the lesson of today - Hold yourself steadfast in life, unaffected by external events and you will enjoy every moment of your life.

My situation may not be the worst in the world, but it is definitely not envious by anyone. No matter what, holding myself steadfast in my goal and not to be affected by external events, I have come to understand more about life, and learn more about enjoying it.

We all have choice to allow what events to affect us. We all have the power to choose. So let's choose to keep the positive things in us, and to keep the negative things away. This way, we will be accumulating happiness, and appreciating every moment of our lives.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Self-Appreciation Generates Good Feelings

How often do we forget to give ourselves due credit for the great things we have done? I am a person who don't really give a hoot about what I have achieve before. I used to believe that what's achieved, is achieved.

However, I have a new prespective about that now. You should always remember what you have, have achieved, and how great you are as a person. You should be giving yourself the due credit that you deserved instead of ignoring them. I am great as a human being, no matter how much imperfection I have.

So here's some self appreciation for myself. I am a great person! I have done many things which many people might not think it's possible to achieve at that time.

Probably one of my greatest achievement so far is being able to set up two Rotiboy stores from scratch. Rotiboy is a very delicious coffee bun and together with 3 other parters, we have managed to set up two stores. To set up a store, you would need at least S$150,000. That's a lot of money for someone who is at age 23 from a middle-income family. Well done, Steven!

I am a great person whom my friends respect and some, look up to (unless they are just being nice). I treat people as fair as I can, and I respect people as far as my temper allows (haha!). I have a beautiful 6 years relationship with my girl-friend cum future wife Rong Rong. She is my soul mate who understands me, tolerates me and believes in me despite my failings.

Think about yourself. You must have some achievements in your life, no matter how small they may seem to another person, as long as they matters to you significiantly. You are a great person. You just forget about it. Smile! =)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Beating the Giants

Everyday we wake up to face a new day. When the going gets tough, I find my escaping from the situation more than facing up to it. This seems easy for me, "I can do it tomorrow..." or "I gotta do that (unimportant) thing first..." or "Let's relax for a while first.." In the end, the real thing is not done or done in a slip-slop way. When months have passed and I reflect upon my past actions, I see that I have not lived my life the way I wanted it. I am still the same as before. I am stagnant.

There is a giant in all the problems we faced everyday. Financial giant, relationship giant, smoking giant, giants, giants, giants... Often we may feel small fighting against them. We may feel that we are inadequately equipped to deal with them. We may feel that it is unfair in life that we have to face such giants and not given the power to defeat them easily.

Those who understands "The Secret" knew that we all have the power to defeat all these giants. However, it's easier said than done. When faced with a giant, our inner sub-conscious and inner fears took over. We stop remembering our true powers, and we give in to the situation. We became victims. We act like victims. We stop growing.

There is no secret on how to defeat the giant. In fact, most of the times when we start to try defeating the giants, we can't. That's why most people give up after a few tries. It just seems impossible. The giants seem to grow stronger. The giants seem to be unaffected by our efforts.

Then, it dawned on me one day while I was bathing. "You learn more from losing. Winner learns little." From every battle with the giants, even if we lose, we learn more about the giant and ourselves. IF we stand up again, we will become stronger and more equipped to fight the giant again. WE GROW. From every losing battle with the giants, we grow stronger. This is the only way to grow stronger... to lose.

Eventually, we will grow to be bigger than than the giant and we win.

Hence, here's the message to myself and to everyone out there who has the giants to face everyday, "Keep standing up to your giants". You will win it eventually. This is the journey that's meant for us. The giants are meant to be there for you, to grow you, to nourish you for greater things.

God bless!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Visualization - My Dream Board

Check out my new dream board!

I wonder why blogspot has such a complicated code for putting an image. Anyway, my dream board is very simple! On the top left, it is my dream home! Bottom left is my dream car!!! YAHOO!!!! Bottom right is my favourite food - SASHIMI! If I can only eat one thing for the rest of my life, let it be salmon sashimi! Top right is a Singapore $10,000 dollar note. It represents my financial freedom dream. The stupid pig in the middle right is my girlfriend and I's love crystal - zhui zhui. He is a happy, lazy and totally glutton pig who has a comment in everything we do. But we love him with our lives. =)